Hoya cavaleriei Leveille 1914

Type description:

In Flore du Kouy-Tcheou (1914) 42.  Augustin Abel Hecter Leveille. Hoya cavaleriei Levl. nov. sp. Folia coriacea nervus conspicuis, medio nervis elevato, flores rubri: caule robusto flexuosi lignoso. Pan-Pey 1 Jos. Esquirol 3222.

Translation: Leaves leathery, nerves conspicuous, middle nerve elevated: flowers red: stem robust, flexible, ligneous.

In Sunyatsenia 3 (1936) # 2/3. In the Leveille herbarium, a supposes new species of Hoya, namely Hoya cavaleriei Level. is identical with Holbellia coriacea Diels of an entirely remote family, Lardizabalaceae. The determination was made by Professor A. Rehder, but I believe, the reduction has not yet been published.

In  The Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 17 (1936) 321.  “Notes on the Ligneous Plants described by H. Leveille from Eastern Asia”.  Rehder. Holbellia coriacea    Diels. — Rehder in Jour. Arnold Arb. 10:189 (1929).
Artabotrys Esquirolii Leveille, Fl. Kouy-Tcheou, 29 (1914), p.p., quoad specim. Esquirol, no. 2184.
China. Kweichou: Gny-hien, bord du risseau, 700 m. J. Esquirol, no. 2184, June 1910 (syntype of Artabotrys Esquirolii; merotype in A.A.),
            In my note under this species (l.c.) I stated that the description does not seem to fit Esquirol’s no. 2184, and that I had not seen the other syntype. I have now before me Esquirol's no. 2033, the other syntype, which agrees better with the description; this is not a Artabotrys, however, but belongs to Desmos cochinchinensis Lour. (see p. 324).
            Hoebellia latifolia Wallich, Tent. Fl. Napal. 24, t. 16 (1824).
Hoya Cavaleriei Leveille, Fl. Kouy-pey Techeou, 42 (1914);  Synon. nov.
China. Kweichou: Kan-pey,  J. Esquirol, no. 322*, no date, “fleurs rouges ou roses” (Holotype of Hoya cavaleriei; photo in A. A.).
            Esquirol’s no. 322* which has 3-foliated leaves is apparently referable to typical H. latifolia which has 3-5 leaflets.

Note: * number incorrect should be 3222. (RDK).

In The Asclepiadaceae Works of  Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. cavaleriei Leveille - 67